Enrollment - E.S.V. - SATURDAY ONLINE

De 09 de Outubro de 2021 a 27 de Novembro de 2021

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>>>>> First Step: Instruction for putting the page in English

The Supernatural Verbo School was created with the purpuse of helping Christians, of all denominations, to become REVIVALIST. People who change the world and make history in whatever sphere of influence God calls them to. The purpose of the School is to equip, strengthen and activate Christians in a lifestyle of the Kingdom of God, living the supernatural of God in a totally natural way.

Requirements for completion of the course

This course is designed for you to receive training that can change your life and the lives of those around you, through the ministry of the God's Word. Therefore, to complete it, you need to meet the following requirements:

1. Can have maximum of 8 absents in the entire

2. Participate in practical classes

3. Payment of all tuition fees

4. Submit all homework >

5. Submit your Pastor's Letter of Authorization

-> LINK TO LETTER DOWNLOAD: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R5yUfwfM9SKzugDJ-VE00AUv6YJbM6Hv/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101193858772685772842&rtpof=true&sd=true

The Supernatural Verbo School is a school of impartation, instruction and discipline, combining theory and practice, making it extremely important to participate in as many classes as possible, as all classes lead you to experience in practice what was taught.

Missing the classes are only for times of crisis, for emergencies and you will have a total of 8 absent to manage throughout the school year.

NOTE: Attendance list for all classes.


October 9, 2021


Entrance R$20,00

Monthly Fee $20,00 - Individual

Books and handouts are purchased separately, being sold at the School or at designated bookstores.

Duration: 10 months


10 modules, divided into classes (1 time per week) where they are taught: 

  • Spiritual Identity 
  • Culture of Honor
  • How to Hear God's voice 
  • Word of Knowledge
  • Healing 
  • Prophecy 
  • Supernatural Evangelism
  • Prophetic Creativity
  • Deliverance Class lesson 
  • Sozo
  • Calling, Destiny, Purpose and much more



9:00 am to 11:30 am (BRASILIA TIME)

Note: 10-minute break.



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Escola Sobrenatural Verbo

Escola Sobrenatural Verbo